Toilets around the world pt78 -The David Intercontinental, Tel Aviv (revisited)

Four types of Briton frequent this fine establishment. The first type is the sort of person who spends their day getting their friends to photograph their abs and /or bum cheeks by the pool and loading the said pictures to Instagram with the hashtag #lookatmeimstayingathedavidintercontinental.

The second type of Briton wants a holiday alway from it. To their misfortune, ‘it’ as defined in the paragraph above is staying at the David Intercontinental! This type of Briton spends as much time as they can in the gym or Cafe Ha Shouk. Their lack of sun tan and the ear bashing they get from their spouse are far better than spending time among the over exposed arse cracks mentioned above and their god awful parents.

The third type of Briton is my daughter. A lack of purchasing power means she is forced to tag along with her parents on their annual summer holiday. She drowns out the noise of their petty pickering by thinking about the ice cream she has surely earned for putting up with it.

The fourth type of Briton ****s in the pool. Thank god it wasn’t my kid that did it.

As reviewed by Shay Rootim

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