Toilets around the world pt76 – Delamina, Marylebone, London

My heart began to get palpitations when I realised that there were only two conveniences to serve this medium sized restaurant, they escalated when I realised the conveniences were unisex. As I glanced around the room and realised that there were only three men in the room, the palpitations grew in to the kind of panic attack that only a large measure of spirits can calm. One (surprisingly good) glass of Australian whisky later, my heart rate was back to normal and I needed to wash my hands. Thankfully, the Australian whisky had masked my neuroses enough to be able to queue for a cubicle next to members of the fairer sex, without giving me the kind of bravado that would make me ask if they were planning to go for a no1 or a no2. The bathroom it’s self was neither great nor awful, though I did notice that the loo seat was coming loose and they used the same mid range Tesco’s toilet paper I use at home.

While not the best toilet experience in the world, I have had worse. Perhaps the best thing I can say about this toilet is that is in an Israeli restaurant in London. This means that you can dine on trendy and tasty food and have nearly no chance of having to make small talk with a sandal wearing, eurosceptic and virulently antisemitic **** like Jeremy Corbyn while waiting to **** out a politician.

As reviewed by Walter Closet.

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